


The Branding within our Digital space differs from the treatment and usage of
our Marketing and Physical spaces.

Word Mark

We will support both light and dark backgrounds within our experiences. Because of this we use certain colors for our branding in both experiences.

word mark


We will support both light and dark backgrounds within our experiences. Because of this we use certain colors for our branding in both experiences.

word mark


We will support both light and dark backgrounds within our experiences. Because of this we use certain colors for our branding in both experiences.

word mark

State Logos

Each state is currently displayed in the header of the app. Bellow are the examples of these.

word mark

Box links to older logos

State Logos Template

word mark
word mark


The Branding within our Digital space differs from the treatment and usage of our Marketing and Physical spaces.

App Tile

Do to the small size the Lion Mark does not visually hold up within the small size of the App Tile.

word mark

App Icon Sizes


Notification Icon Sizes

(Need transparent images)

LDPI 14 x 14

MDPI 24 x 24

HDPI 36 x 36

XHDPI 48 x 48

XXHDPI 72 x 72

XXXHDPI 96 x 96

Splash logos sizes

(Need transparent images)

LDPI 80 x 37

MDPI 108 x 50

HDPI 212 x 99

XHDPI 318 x 148

XXHDPI 424 x197

Launcher Icon Sizes

(Need transparent images)

LDPI 36 x 36

MDPI 48x 48

HDPI 72 x 72

XHDPI 96 x96

XXHDPI 144 x 144

XXXHDPI 192 x 192


App Icon with resolution 1024 X 1024

Notification Icon – 50 X 50, 2x, 3x

Logo – 115 X 22, 2x, 3x

Launch Logo – 182 X 36, 2x, 3x

word mark
word mark
word mark

Welcome Screen


word mark
word mark